What is Root Canal Treatment ?
Root canal treatment is the removal of a small, thread-like tissue in the center of the tooth, that is, the dentition (pulp). When the damaged, sick or deceased pulp is removed, the remaining space is cleaned, shaped and refilled. With this,the root canal is closed. Many years ago, teeth that got sick or damaged were pulled out. Today, in canal treatment, even teeth that are about to be lost can be saved.
The Most Common Causes of Pulp Damage Are
Cracked tooth
Deeply bruised
Damage to the tooth for reasons such as a serious blow to the tooth in the past or recently.
When the pulp becomes infected or dies, if left untreated, pus can accumulate at the root of the tooth, forming an abscess in the jawbone. An abscess can cause pain by destroying the bone surrounding the tooth.
How is Root Canal Treatment Performed?
Root canal treatment consists of various steps that will require more than one session depending on the situation. These steps are:
First, a hole is made in the back of the front tooth or in the crown of the molars or small molars.
After the diseased pulp is removed (pulpectomy), the pulp cavity and root canals are cleaned, expanded and shaped for canal filling.
If more than one session is needed, temporary filling is performed in the hole opened in the crown to protect the tooth Decently between sessions.
Then the temporary filling is removed and the pulp cavity and the canal are permanently filled. A rubber material with a conical tip called Gutta percha (Gutta Percha) is inserted into each of the channels and usually glued in place with cement (adhesive). Sometimes, a metal or plastic rod can be placed inside the channel for structural support.
In the last step, the crown is coated on the tooth to restore its natural appearance and shape. If the tooth is broken, a post application may be required to repair the tooth before placing the crown.
How Long Can The Repaired Tooth Be Used ?
Treated and repaired teeth/teeth can be used for a lifetime with proper oral and dental care. Since caries may occur again in the treated tooth, oral care and regular dental examination are necessary to prevent other problems that may arise in the future.
Since the pulp that keeps the tooth alive no longer exists, the treated tooth becomes brittle, becoming more sensitive to fracture. This issue is important when making the decision to apply a crown or filling to the tooth after root canal treatment.
The most commonly used method to check the success or failure of root canal treatment is to compare the x-rays taken before the treatment with the newly taken X-rays. This comparison will show whether bone loss has continued or whether the bone has been remodeled.